Keeping in touch with friends and family while living on the other side of the world.

New Camera

On Sunday, Lily was wearing a dress that used to be mine, and I wanted to take a picture of her in it.  So, I picked up my camera off of the piano, not noticing that the wrist strap was pinned under Lily’s baby book.  I didn’t have an especially good grip on the camera, so the little resistance from the wrist strap pulled it out of my hand, and the poor camera hit the tile floor just before I could dive for it.

My dad bought my little Sony Cybershot for me for a high school graduation present almost 8 years ago now.  It has a lived a good life and photographed some my best memories during the past 8 years.   I will miss that camera, but accidents like that happen, and things are just things and can always be replaced.  I do hate to spend money on replacing things that should have lasted must longer, but O well.

Fortunately, had a great sale going on for new digital cameras that ended on Sunday, so I was able to get a good deal on a replacement.  I kinda feel like a camera is really a necessity with a cute little baby like mine, and with so many people who can only see her through pictures.    And I love Amazon.  They have tons of options and their shipping service is superb.  I ordered the camera Sunday evening, it shipped Monday morning, and it came Wednesday morning.

So, here are some pictures I’ve taken today, just getting the feel for my new Canon Powershot A1200.  I would have preferred another Sony, since that’s what I’m used to, but the Canon was a great price, and came with a free 8 gb memory card.

cherry tree in bloom

Here's the cherry tree I mentioned in my last post, all white and fluffy.

close up of cherry blossoms

Here's a close-up of the cherry blossoms, with our other flowering bushes in the background.

Naptime's over!

My favorite subject to photograph, just awake from her morning nap.

ready for lunch!

Lily's ready to eat her lunch!

I love lunchtime!

Ok, here's another, just because she's so cute! And she's thinking, "Uh, ok Mom- enough pictures. Can I eat now?"

playing with a box

Lily has been playing with the most unusual things today. This cardboard box kept her self-entertained all during dinner preparations.

learning to use a sippy cup

Sippy cups are so hard to use; much concentration is needed to get that yummy apple juice out!

Strawberry pie

I made a strawberry pie.

Very juicy pie!

It tasted great, but our berries must have been too juicy. There was no liquid added to this pie filling, but when we cut it open, the strawberries were swimming!

Well, there is some leftover pie in my fridge, so feel free to stop by and I might share a slice with you!

Comments on: "New Camera" (1)

  1. I am glad that you were able to get a new camera! Yay!

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